Monday, February 23, 2009

Handy batch file for file extensions

Create this batch file. Save it where you can find it again. It will create a file of all your file extensions. Create the file with a text editor and save it as filextensions.bat
Run it, then go to the SAME directory where you have the batch file to read your file extension txt file ( filext_submission_output.txt ).

Echo OFF
assoc > filext_submission_output.txt
Echo This batch file will make a list of all
Echo the file extensions found on your computer.
Echo ---------- >> filext_submission_output.txt
ftype >> filext_submission_output.txt
Echo The output file has been created and
Echo named filext_submission_output.txt and it should
Echo be in the same place where you saved this batch
Echo file.
Echo Thank you.
Echo Tom Pitre - Feb 2009

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