Friday, February 6, 2009

Use Google to Search Within One Site - PC World

Use Google to Search Within One Site - PC World: "Suppose, for instance, that you're trying to find an old post of mine--say, the one about using Gmail to filter spam. One option is to head to PC World, type in a few keywords, then wade through the results in hopes of finding the post.

Or, you could save several steps and type this into your Google search bar: broida gmail

Try it. You'll see that the exact post appears in the first two search results. Now, suppose you recall hearing an NPR story featuring the music of Brendan Benson. Instead of slogging through NPR's own less-than-stellar search engine, just hit Google with this: brendan benson

For example: search our BLOG from your browser, any time by type this in the search box for Google: gmail
This would search for gmail on our BLOG. Voila! -tp

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